Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Relaxation Music - "Lyrical Imagery" research and rationale - part 2

To summarize last weeks blog post... we introduced my concept of "Lyrical Imagery." Typically relaxation music consists of instrumental music or music with nature sounds. And typical relaxation exercises such as imagery or progressive muscle relaxation consist of, again, instrumental music with (or without) nature sounds with spoken imagery or directives. Lyrical Imagery uses sung imagery (lyrics) that utilize right and left hemispheres of the brain. Some universal imagery topics such as ocean, mountains and snow are used. See (printable) research and rationale about Lyrical Imagery in the Resource Center - MT Lyrical Imagery 1, 2 & 3
Also, last week we defined imagery and talked about how music therapy and imagery benefit us. Part 2, lets continue...

 Download "Lyrical Imagery" for FREE! - Click Here  Lyrical Imagery is a collection of relaxation and stress management pieces. I particularly like this modality to establish sleep rituals for children (and adults). I will address this specifically in future blog posts.

Continued below is associated research and rationale for this project which can be accessed in full under the name "Lyrical Imagery 1, 2 & 3" in the Resource Center... (see bottom left of home pg)

David B. Putano, HPMT,MT-BC

How does music benefit us? Similar to imagery, there are vast
amounts of literature that illustrate the emotional and
physiological effects of music. Regarding emotions Critchley and
Hensen (1977) conclude that: 1) music is processed differently
and at a deeper subconscious level than speech, filtering
through the auditory cortex to the limbic system which is the
center of emotional processing, and 2) music can be used to .
stimulate endorphins that create a positive kind of emotional
arousal (as cited in Tsao, Gordon, Maranto & Murasko, 1991). In
their 1987 article titled "Use of Music Therapy in Pain Clinics"
Sedei and Godley reported: patients accepted for treatment at
the pain clinic found that music helped them produce and guide
imagery, and helped them more deeply relax (p. 26). McFarland
(1985) as cited 1n Tsao et al., 1991 states that in his study of
100 subjects, each listening to one sedative and one stimulative
piece of music, the sedative music consistently increased individual's skin temperature (indicating relaxation). These results are significant in that the increased temperature levels correlate directly with the degree of physiological relaxation(p. 94.) Numerous studies, Tsao et al., 1991; Dillon & Baker,1985; Lane, 1991; Maranto & Scartelli, 1992; Rider, Achterberg, Lawless, Goven, Toledo & Butler, 1990 speak of music's effect's producing increased levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA). IgA is an antibody that is found in body fluids and is an essential component of our humoral immunological system defending against foreign invaders (antigens) that cause disease. Other studies including one by Bartlett (Kaufman and Smeltekop, 1993, and a 1994 article in the Detroit Free Press titled "Peace of Mind Does a Body Good" report that music listening, relaxation, and imagery boost the body's production of the disease fighting protein interleukin-1. Finally, Kibler and Rider (1983) (as cited in Tsao et al., 1991) studied the effects of relaxation and music on stress. Results indicated that while music and relaxation as individual treatments were effective stress reducers, their combined treatment was more effective (p. 94).

To be continued...

More information about relaxation music and from Lyrical Imagery 1, 2 & 3 in upcoming blog posts...

My prescription this week??? Again, grab the free download of "Lyrical Imagery" and use it to relax with. But listen to it with NO DISTRACTIONS!!! Enjoy...

AND!!!! Please share with others, like us on Facebook  and follow us on Twitter ... Thanks, David P.