Friday, October 5, 2012

Relaxation Music - "Lyrical Imagery" research and rationale - part 1

To summarize last weeks blog post... because PREFERRED MUSIC has been clinically proven to induce a relaxation response... and because our sub-conscious perceives music (even when we're asleep or not conscious) thus affecting our physiology and emotions positively... we should not hesitate to use music for ourselves or loved ones, at least for relaxation and sleep, but more specifically for a positive association sleep ritual for children (and adults), surgery and dental procedures and for when a loved one might be more critically ill and non-responsive. Now lets talk about relaxation music and imagery...

My next few blog posts on will be information to support my new music album “Lyrical Imagery” which is now available for a limited time as a free download.

Download "Lyrical Imagery" for FREE! - Click Here  Lyrical Imagery is a collection of relaxation and stress management pieces. I particularly like this modality to establish sleep rituals for children (and adults). I will address this specifically in future blog posts.

"In the 90’s I was the staff music therapist at St. Vincent Medical Center where I became friends with a doctor, Alp Yurdakul, who loved music and the arts. Together we collaborated on a music project consisting of three products, Lyrical Imagery, Earth Elements and Pick Me Ups. Dr Yurdakul did the art work and provided narration on the project. I composed, performed and recorded the music."  

Typically relaxation music consists of instrumental music or music with nature sounds. And typical relaxation exercises such as imagery or progressive muscle relaxation consist of, again, instrumental music with (or without) nature sounds with spoken imagery or directives. With Lyrical Imagery I use sung imagery (lyrics) that utilize right and left hemispheres of the brain. The imagery here is about the ocean." See (printable) research and rationale about Lyrical Imagery in the Resource Center - MT Lyrical Imagery 1, 2 & 3. 

Below is associated research and rationale for this project which can be accessed in full under the name "Lyrical Imagery 1, 2 & 3" in the Resource Center... (see bottom left of home pg)

David B. Putano, HPMT,MT-BC

LYRICAL IMAGERY: Components and Rationale
Lyrical Imagery is: The use of song lyrics in place of spoken
directives, in conjunction with music, to induce positive
imagery and support relaxation.
What is imagery? Imagery is the thought process that makes use
of the senses: sight, smell, taste, and the senses of touch,
movement, and position (Achterberg, 1985). An example is when we
imagine ourselves at the beach, with our eyes closed seeing the
blue water and sensing the salt air. Imagery does however effect
us in profound ways. Achterberg points out that when an
individual goes through the mental rehearsal of a marathon race
or sales presentation many physiological changes occur: blood
pressure goes up, sweat glands become more active, and brain
waves change (p. 3).

How does music therapy benefit us? In general, lyrical imagery
as music therapy serves as:
A stimulus for deep body relaxation
A stimulus for positive imagery and mood
A stimulus for clear thinking, incompatible with worrying
A pleasant, potentially reinforcing event (Hanser, 1992).
Rider (1985) states that many studies, including Bonny & Savary
(1973) and Peach (1984), indicate that "music has been found to
be effective in stimulating imagery" (p. 185).

How does imagery benefit us? Studies by Achterberg & Lawless,
1978, 1980, 1984 show that mental imagery has been "found to
alter immune responses and pain levels (Rider, 1885). And
recently Adria Heath, RN, MSN studied the effects of imagery on
ICU pat1ents to control pain and anxiety and found that
"relaxation and imagery produce such physiologic responses as
decreased heart rate and arterial blood pressure, and such
psychological responses as a sense of well being and piece of
mind" (1992). Heath goes on to say that "the mind sees images as
a language with direct access to the autonomic nervous system
(ANS)" (po 58). Many other studies including Guzzetta & Dossey,
1985; Bressler, 1980; Bensen, 1975, not only identify the
aforementioned responses from imagery but also add that through
accessing the ANS alpha waves, tissue regeneration and repair,
and immune and inflammatory responses are all stimulated (p.58). 

To be continued...

More information about relaxation music and from Lyrical Imagery 1, 2 & 3 in upcoming blog posts...

My prescription this week??? Again, grab the free download of "Lyrical Imagery" and use it to relax with. But listen to it with NO DISTRACTIONS!!! Enjoy...

AND!!!! Please share with others, like us on Facebook  and follow us on Twitter ... Thanks, David P.


  1. Nice post! Relaxation Music is often chosen as a fun way to relax the tension in muscles. People believe that it can trigger and simulate the central nerve to create happiness that is sent by brain. Music, for many people is definitely something that they cannot live without. As they believe that music would bring them incredible utilities and purposes such as way of improving and maintain physical health, reducing hypertension, and improving human's emotional condition.

    1. Sorry, just saw your reply now. I appreciate your thoughts. Excellent!
